Fruits & Vegetables

Few pursuits in the realm of gardening are more satisfying than growing something for the table.  The tomato just in its moment of perfection, the most delicate salad greens or spring onions crisp and juicy, berries warm from the sun or an apple eaten under the tree that bore it… these are pleasures reserved for those who grow their own food.

A summer afternoon’s home harvest.

At Pondside we promote this growing interest by offering fruit trees, berry bushes, organic vegetable starts and herb plants.  Although at this point our selection is limited, we continue to educate ourselves about varieties that are adapted to our climate and seasonal cycles and will produce well here in the Hudson Valley with a minimum of care.


Our vegetable and herb starts are all organic and grown locally.

Our plant advisors can make recommendations for beginning or advanced gardeners, and we encourage you to share your knowledge with us, as we all work toward shortening the distance from garden to kitchen to table.


A Columbia County vegetable garden in its summer glory.